
Saraswati returns pounded rice.

Sri Venkatanatha lived in an agrahara of Brahmins community where everyone lived in harmony. One caring for all and all caring for one. The women of one house used to share the work of the other house in the event of festivities and celebrations. On one such event Saraswati, wife of Venkatanatha, goes to the neighbor’s house volunteering to render her service. She was requested to wash the articles of the Pooja room. She does that with no hesitation. And while she returns, the women hands over a little pounded rice as gratification. She carries the pounded rice to her home and offers it to Venkatanatha. He looked at the rice asks her as to where this was from. She narrates her voluntary cleaning of the Pooja articles in the neighbor’s house for which she was given the pounded rice. Venkatanatha gets emotional and tells the wife to return the rice as she has rendered her service to the lord which is a noble act. Saraswati receiving pounded rice would make her ineligible for the punya. She accordingly returns the pounded rice to the neighbor with full respects and returns home. Venkatanatha and his family spends the day with the usual upavasa treating it as the god’s will.

Such was the nature of Venkatanatha highly inclined in spiritual attainments. He was always cautious in his acts and deeds. He remained virtuous throughout.