Prathaha Sankalpa Gadya

Prathaha Sankalpa Gadya

Prathaha Sankalpa Gadya is also called the morning prose of affirmation. This is as precious as a Gem authored by the great Saint Sri Guru Raghavendra Tirtha. It has minimal words yet it is a powerful composition. It is structured as a prose of one single sentence running into approximately five pages. It is a marvellous contribution carrying the essence of Vedas, Puranas, Upanishads and the commentaries of Sri Madhvacharya. If carefully read and understood, one can get the essence of the philosophy of Sri Madhvacharya in this Gadya.

This affirmation is recommended to be recited by the individual as soon as he wakes up in the morning. It expresses that his daily work or routine performed from morning till night is a worship to the lord. This ignites and awakens the individual to discharge his daily duties in positive frame of mind and there remains no scope for disappointment.

Saints, households and all people are eligible to pronounce this affirmation. Once practiced it takes around 8 minutes to complete the prose. This prayer is a must for a person wanting to lead a nobler way of life. 

Supplementing the morning prose, Sri Raghavendra Tirtha has presented another prose titled ‘Sarvasamarpana Gadya’ which means submission of all acts of the day to the Lord – before ending the day.