
Why Sri Guru Rayara Brindavana has two pairs of Eyes?

Not Many would have keenly noticed that the facade of Sri Guru Raghavendra Tirtha Brindavana has two pairs of eyes. Whoever has noticed might have pondered over this subject and the reason.

The first pair of eyes on the top is believed to be of Vishesha Anugraha Drishti which means the Devine grace of the Super consciousness. This is possible only with the Enlightened Yogis who have experienced the nature of the universal Devine grace. The Drishti from this eye showered on to the devotee is supposed to transcend him to a different plane altogether. It could be beyond one life or janmas. Evolving the Soul. The lower pair of eyes is supposed to be the regular Shuba Drishti, showered on the devotees for their materialistic wants and desires

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