
Destination- Vaikunta

There is an episode in Padma Purana, Brahma Khanda chapter 3 featuring the benevolent qualities of a Brahmin Yogi Vaikunta. The most admirable quality of this tretha yug yogi was that he would send to Vaikunta any innocent and devoted person getting in contact with him. He used to bless them with complete deliverance i.e., gifting the person with Moksha. Thereby experiencing no births and deaths. 

On one occasion Vaikunta lighted a ghee lamp for Lord Vishnu and returned to his hermitage. During the night a rat came to the lamp and started drinking the ghee. The lamp shook and blazed into a pleasant flame. The rat was shocked at this and ran away. Later, the rat was bit by a snake and died. The men of Yama came with ropes. Instantly the messengers of Lord Vishnu too came on Garuda. The Yamas men got scared of Lord Vishnu’s men and humbly asked them for what goodness of him are you taking this great sinner to Vaikunta? They replied he had blazed and enhanced the lamp initiated by Vaikunta in the presence of Lord Vishnu. That act has earned him a place in Vaikunta replied to the Lord Vishnu Dhootas. 

It is the Kaliyuga now and thousands of years have passed by to witness a munificent Yogi like Sri Raghavendra Tirtha who is equally compensate aiding innocent souls to take the path of salvation and making the most deserving to reach Vaikunta like Neerana Venkaana.

A comparison of the Yogi in treta yuga times and now we are blessed to have Sri Raghavendra Tirtha, a munificent yogi. He is towing the seekers on the path of salvation with his Vishesha Anugraha Drishti and evident is the grace he showered on Neerana Venkanna to attain Moksha.

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