
Sri Vijeyandra Tirtha – Master Of 64 Arts

Sri Vijeyendra Tirtha, a Yathi Sreshtha and senior to the Guru of Guru Rayaru excelled in over 64 Kalas. Below is the list of Arts mastered by this inspiring Saint. 64 Kala (Activities in fine arts and crafts): 1 Music Singing 2 Music Instrument, Flute 3 Dance Nartana 4 Alekhya Drawing 5 VishEshaka ChEdyam Tilaka


Guru Rayaru’s concern for his disciple’s works

The Madhva Maha Samsthana housed several poets , scholars and intellectuals of high fame led by Sri Raghavendra Tirtha. The works on Brahmasutras, Vedas, Upanishadas and spiritual subjects were always on-going. A complete harmony was observed in all the disciplines and functions of the Mutt.  Sri Raghavendra Tirtha had taken a pledge to write commentaries 


Sri Raghavendra Thirtharu – Information about Sanyasashrama

Divine intervention for sanyasa Deeksha – Goddess Saraswathi appears in dream of Venkatanatha Lord Rama suggest the name Sri Raghavendra to Sri Sudhindra Thirtharu Date Of Sanyasa Sweekara- 1621 AD (@ the age of 25th year), SAMVATSARA – DHRMATHI & Palguna – Shudha – Bidige Location of Brindavana- Manchale on the banks of Tungabhadra currently