
Guru Rayaru And Appanacharya

Appanacharya was born in 1593 to a wealthy Ramasubbharaya and Bagharithi Bai. He grew up to become a learned scholar with knowledge on Dwaitha Philosophy. He was based in Bichale on the banks of river Tungabhadra. He was from the Badadh family, which was  instrumental in making the Sri Moola Rama Vighraha reach the hands of the saints belonging to the lineage of Sri Raghavendra Swamy Mutt. Appanacharya first met Sri Raghavendra Tirtha in Raichur when the pontiff was in his sanchara after the Adoni visit. During this meeting he requested Sri Guru Rayaru to visit Bichale and be his guest. The pontiff agreed and on one auspicious day the great saint entered Bichale to commence a great relationship. Appanacharya was two years elder to Guru Rayaru but considered Guru Rayaru as his teacher and a great philosopher. He always expressed due respects, care, concern and hospitality to Guru Rayaru. It is said Appanacharya used to press the feet of Guru Rayaru and personally cooked food for him. The bonding between the two was so strong that the pontiff stayed in his house for over ten years. There were several discussions between the two on subjects related to spirituality and philosophy on Jappada Katte. All the doubts of Appanacharya were being clarified to his full satisfaction by Guru Rayaru. His contemporaries say there can be no one other than Appanacharya who has spent so much time so intimately with Guru Rayaru.

Appanacharyas works on Sri Guru Rayaru are a testimony of the understanding of the personality of Sri Raghavendra Tirtha.