
Jewel Back from Fire

Sri Raghavendra Tirtharu performs a severe penance and brings heavy rains for the Tanjore Region. This act of Rayaru brought a great relief to the grief stuck King Sri Vijayaraghava Nayaka. The King filled with joy presents an expensive golden necklace studded with rare and precious gems to Rayaru, as a thanksgiving for the divine remedy.

This being an expensive and exclusive necklace of the Vijayanagar origin, the King felt very proud that he was giving away a great possession to Rayaru.

Rayaru receives the ornament and immediately throws into the fiercely burning Agnikunda. The King feels very annoyed with the reaction of Rayaru and thinks the jewel does not deserve to be put into the fire.

Rayaru understands the thoughts running in the mind of the King and on the following day, Rayaru summons the King to see him at the same place. Rayaru prays to Lord Parashurama, puts his hand into the fiercely burning Agnikunda with no hesitation and takes his hand out with the same necklace with more glitter. The King gets shocked to see the jewel back with more glitter and no injury to the hands of Rayaru. The King confesses for his attitude and begs pardon with Rayaru. Rayaru modestly replies that the jewel was put into the fire for purification as humans used it and it was necessary to cleanse in the fire before offering to Lord Rama.

Scholars opine, Rayaru prayed Lord Parashurama, as he was the right deity to remove the arrogance of the Kshatriya King.