Manchale Village - The Land of Saints

Manchale Village – The Land of Saints

The village Manchale on the banks of river Tungabhadra is presumed to be reserved for Saints, as witnessed for the last 600 years.

The Vijayanagar Empire was ruled by Devaraya II of the Sangama Dynasty from 1425-1446. He was amongst the most successful and eminent rulers, valuing the religious sentiments of his people. It is noted that he had gifted the village Manchale to Sri Vibhudendra Tirtha – the Pontiff of Madhva Maha Samsthana who remained in the Peeta from 1435-1490.

This village was in the hold of the Madhwa Saints till Islamic rulers dominated the region. It is also established, with the downfall of the Vijayanagar Kingdom, the Islamic Kings gifted this village to a Sufi Saint which stayed with them until Masood Khan was the Nawab of Adoni.

It was Masood Khan, who tried a folly with Sri Raghavendra Tirtha and later with regrets, offered this village Manchale to the Madhava Saint. Perhaps, Sri Raghavendra Tirtha knew the village was earlier in the fold of the senior saint Sri Vibhudendra Tirtha. Later on, the Saint chose this as the place for his Yoga Nidra and has remained a cynosure for millions of devotees. Even with major political changes and domination of the British, the Village Manchale has remained undisturbed.

In 1800, Sri Thomas Monroe, the British Officer also quashed the order of acquisition of the lands belonging to the Sri Raghavendra Swamy Mutt.