Sarvasamarpana Gadya

Sarvasamarpana Gadya

As the name suggests, it is a prose of submission to the lord, done at the end of the day before the sleep. Sri Guru Raghavendra Tirtha has presented this to the mankind to adopt in one’s daily activity.

Our ancient Yoga Sutras and modern science states that good thought generating process practiced before the sleep works in subtle form during sleep and works for our benefit. Similarly, the thought process engaged early in the morning will work in the subtle form throughout the day helping in influencing the quality of the day. To bestow benevolence to the mankind, Guru Rayaru has offered Prathasankalpa Gadya and Sarvasamarpana Gadya to be practiced by Devotees.

In this prose, the practitioner submits all the Shubha karmas or good deeds and Ashubha karmas or bad deeds performed by him during the day to the Lord. While the morning prose expresses that his daily work or routine performed from morning till night is a worship to the lord, this night prose concludes his day with submission to the Lord.

Practicing these two Gadyas, one is blessed to have a purposeful and nobler way of life. The benefit derived is not limited to just a single life but carries on to the subsequent births as well. Once practiced it takes less than 8 minutes to complete the Prose.  

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