
Sri Varadendra Tirtha

Sri Balaramacharya on taking the ashrama from Sri Vasudheandra Tirtha was called Sri Varadendra Tirtha. He was an eminent Dwiatha Scholar of his times and was a contemporary of Sri Vijayadasa, Sri Gopaladasa and Sri Jaganathadasa, the highly evolved souls. 

Sri Pranesha Vittala Dasa, the deciple of Sri jaganathadasa was a follower of Sri Varadendra Tirtha and on one occasion invited the Pontiff to his home at Lingasoor. The pontiff after performing  Sri Moola Rama Pooja  asked him as to what he would offer to the Lord. In reply, with total surrender he said everything belongs to the Lord Moola Rama. However, the pontiff proposed to take the area occupied by the Jowar Stacks for which he accepted with all humbleness. The pontiff thereafter proceeded to Pune and engaged in a debate with Sri Ramashastry,  an Advaitha Scholar. The conditions of the debate was that- if the pontiff loses he had to surrender all his titles and if Sri Ramashastry loses he had to give away his house and go to Kashi. Sri Ramashastry lost the debate and accordingly proceeded to Kashi. 

Sri Varadendra Tirtha spent his last days in Pune and his Brindavana was made in the same house of  Sri Ramashastry.

At the same time Sri Varadendra Tirtha appeared in the dream of his disciple Sri Pranesha Vittala Dasa to inform him that he would appear in the form of a Tulsi Plant under the Jowar Stack and instructed him to concreate a Brindavana after him. To his surprise he found the Tulsi plant there and made a Brindavana for the saint. It is popularly known as ‘Swapna Brindavana’   

His popular works include a song on ‘Tantrasara’ in Kannada.

He handed over the Peeta to Sri Dheerendratheertha Tirtha in 1785

The Punyadina of the Saint is on the sixth day of Ashadha Shuddha.

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